Audrey Lee

New York, New York, USA

Hello, I'm Audrey! I'm an M.D.-Ph.D. candidate and graduate student researcher at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as part of the Medical Scientist Training Program. I integrate clinical and technological perspectives at the intersection of surgical robotics and machine learning to develop translational technologies that improve surgical practice.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Sciences with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, where I am advised by Benjamin Rapoport, M.D., Ph.D.. I am also affiliated with the Mount Sinai BioDesign Program of the Department of Neurosurgery, a medical technology incubator and rapid prototyping center with a history of translational innovation in medical device innovation and artificial intelligence. My thesis work is on human-robot interaction in robotic surgery, specializing in how high autonomy surgical robots and surgeons can effectively collaborate on tasks to ensure safe integration into procedural workflows, expedite patient care, and enable generalization to new patient anatomies.

I graduated from Columbia University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering. As an undergraduate researcher, I developed drug-delivery implants for arterial disease and fabrication methods for soft microrobots. I was also a research intern for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where I created 3D-printed modules for real-time microscopic imaging of living organisms during microgravity simulation.


Nov 1, 2024

I gave an invited talk at The City University of New York!

Oct 10, 2024

I was a panelist in the Girls and Women in STEM panel session during the STEM College Fair at the New York Hall of Science!

Apr 26, 2024

Our work on Levels of autonomy in FDA-cleared surgical robots: a systematic review was published in Nature npj Digital Medicine!